14 Days for FREE
Jaw Yoga LIVE with Julia

Every Saturday at 7:00 PM (BST, UK Time) / 11:00 AM (PDT, Los Angeles) / 2:00 PM (EDT, New York), join Julia's Open Office sessions via Zoom! Ask questions about jaw health, bruxism, Jaw Yoga and other jaw related topics!

Online Programme
Jaw Yoga Mentoring

Do you want to focus intensely on your jaw and take your health and well-being into your own hands? This online mentoring program will provide you with new knowledge, valuable insights, and practical tools to keep your jaw healthy for a lifetime! Discover how this program will transform your life...

Tongue Tie Assessment
If you suspect a short lingual frenulum, Julia offers assessment and therapy both before and after surgical release. Without proper tongue training, the frenulum can reattach, so training must begin within hours. Julia is here to support you or your child throughout the process!

According to the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM), 40% of men, 24% of women, and even 10-12% of children snore regularly. Did you know that the tongue plays a crucial role when it comes to snoring?
Learn more about this topic in my BLOG post.

Teeth Grinding, Clenching and Jaw Issues
More and more people suffer from jaw tension, which can be accompanied by pain, teeth grinding, or teeth clenching. I refer to this condition as "jaw stress" because the jaw is in a protective-defense mode, triggering a stress reaction.
Learn more about this topic in my BLOG post.

Tooth Misalignments and Braces
With Jaw-Yoga, you can optimally support your orthodontic treatment (braces)! By creating muscular balance in the mouth-jaw-face system, braces can work faster and more effectively.
Learn more about this topic in my BLOG post.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)
TMD is not a definitive diagnosis, even if you've had it for several years! Over the past 10 years, I have primarily worked with people suffering from pain, dysfunctions and tensions in the jaw area.
Learn more about this topic in my BLOG post.